Novakov trening u Marbelji ispratila specijalna gošća: Držala je distancu tokom vežbi, ali i tokom razgovora (foto)
Kurir 20.05.2020

Najbolji teniser sveta Novak Đoković tokom treninga u Marbelji imao je specijalnu gošću.
Prvog reketa sveta posetila je gradonačelnica tog grada Anheles Munjoz. Novak with Marbella mayoress, Ángeles Muñoz - The mayor thanked Djokovic "for the fidelity he has to our city, to which he always He comes to rest and visit his brother Marko, to the point that he decided to spend the confinement with his family here" — C Kristjánsdóttir ●