Haos u NBA: Bivši Megin igrač se sukobio sa trenerom usred meča! (video)
Večernje novosti 06.05.2021 | Novosti online

Foto: Printskrin Goga Bitadze je bio ljut zato što mu je Greg Foster zamerio zbog loše igre u odbrani.
Potom je Gruzijac ubacio trojku, pa je Fosteru uputio oštre reči. – Sedi dole! - viknuo mu je Bitadze. Breakdown of the Bitadze-coach Foster incident late 3Q. It's his first game back in 16 days from an ankle sprain. - Bitadze late to slide over after Harkless blows past Domas - Hits a 3 at the other end, says "sit the fuck down" to Foster - Foster then held back during timeout. pic.twitter.com/aTa7zGwXWx — Scott Agness (@ScottAgness) May 6, 2021 Pomoćnik Indijane