Jokić oduševio grega popoviča: "Nikola je kao Leri Bird od 214 cm"
Večernje novosti 23.10.2021 | Novosti online

FOTO. AP Jokiću su u pobedi Denvera nad San Antoniom (102:96) nedostajale tri asistencije za tripl-dabl pošto je zabeležio 32 poena i 16 skokova. Pop on Jokic. "He's a really spectacular, interesting, different player. He's like a 7-foot Larry Bird type guy. The way he can pass. The way he reads things. He's incredible." — Adam Mares (@Adam_Mares) October 23, 2021 - On je zaista spektakularan igrač, zanimljiv i drugačiji poenter. On je