"Što mi nisi dao loptu?!" NBA haos, saigrači se potukli usred meča iz bizarnog razloga
Večernje novosti 12.01.2022 | Novosti online

Tanjug/AP Naime, usred meča sa Oklahomom, potukli su se igrači Vašington vizardsa, Montrezl Harel i Kentavius Koldvel-Poup.
This appears to be the end of 1st half play that led to an apparent halftime altercation between Montrezl Harrell and KCP, as reported by @ShamsCharania. You can see Harrell and KCP start talking on their way to the locker room. pic.twitter.com/hoXaHMecMF — Chase Hughes (@ChaseHughesNBCS) January 12, 2022 Vašington (21-20) - Oklahoma Siti (13-27) 122:118 Toronto (20-18) - Finiks (31-9) 95:99 Čikago (27-11) - Detroit (9-31) 133:87 Memfis (29-14) - Golden Stejt