Mančester Siti potvrdio: Erling Haland stiže na "Etihad"
Euronews 10.05.2022 | Autor: Euronews

Mančester Siti je potvrdio, postignut je dogovor sa Borusijom Dortmund oko prelaska na "Etihad" napadača Erlinga Halanda (21).
Transfer bi trbalo da se realizuje od 1. jula 2022. godine, ukoliko se aktuelni šampion Premijer lige i napadač "Milionera" dogovore oko uslova. Manchester City can confirm that we have reached an agreement in principle with Borussia Dortmund for the transfer of striker Erling Haaland to the Club on 1st July 2022. The transfer remains subject to the Club finalising terms with the player. — Manchester City (@ManCity) May 10, 2022 Reprezentativac Norveške je u redove