„Navijači“ vređali Fabinja jer je sinu dao ime Izrael
Sport klub 10.07.2022 | Autor:Milan Stojiljković

Fudbaler Liverpula Fabinjo i njegova supruga Rebeka Tavareš objavili su prelepu vest, ali...
LITTLE FAB IT’S COMING!! we are delighted to announce that we are expecting our baby boy, ISRAEL 💙 “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, God” @_fabinhotavares pic.twitter.com/0PfJuMBNNG— Rebeca Tavares (@reebecatavares) July 9, 2022 Reprezentativac Brazila ponosno je objavio da je postao otac dečaka, počele su da stižu čestitke sa svih strana, ali