Škotski fudbal zavijen u crno: Preminuo legendarni Bil Munro
Kurir 06.10.2023

Legendarni škotski trener Bil Munro, preminuo je u 89. godini života.
Nekadašnji trener Klejdbanke preuzeo je klub 1975. i odveo ih u najviši rang takmičenja u Škotskoj. It’s with sadness we’ve learned former Clydebank manager Bill Munro has passed away. Taking charge in 1975, Bill oversaw the club’s rise to the Premier League, securing back to back promotions in the process. Our thoughts are with Bill’s family and friends at this sad time. pic.twitter.com/2GpNfqjtAC — Clydebank FC (@clydebankfc) October 6, 2023 - Preuzimajući