Strašne vesti: Mladi fudbaler se srušio i umro na terenu
Večernje novosti 12.12.2024
Iz Engleske ovog četvrtka stižu tužne vesti, pošto je tokom utakmice preminuo mladi fudbaler Kejlen Denis (17) koji je igrao za Voltamstrou.
Foto: Free Images Pixabay Nesrećni mladić se srušio na terenu, doktori i hitna pomoć su brzo odreagovali, ali na veliku žalost, Kejlen nije mogao da preživi. We are deeply saddened to hear of the tragic passing of Walthamstow u23 player Kaylen Dennis. Our heartfelt condolences go out to @walthamstowfc, his family, friends, and teammates during this incredibly difficult time. You are all in our thoughts. RIP Kaylen 🕊 — Essex Senior League