Fudbalerka Bajerna pobedila rak: Praznici sad mogu da dođu

Sport klub 22.12.2024  |  Autor: Milan Stojiljković
Fudbalerka Bajerna pobedila rak: Praznici sad mogu da dođu
Predivne vesti iz Minhena. Nemačka fudbalerka i saigračica Jovane Damnjanović u Bajernu, 23-godišnja Marija Luisa Mala Gros, podvrgnuta je uspešnoj operaciji tumora i mogla bi da se vrati na teren sledećeg meseca. Good news on Mala Grohs! 🙏 The Bayern Munich goalkeeper, who was diagnosed with cancer, is on the road to recovery. The tumor operation has gone successfully. In the best case, the 23-year-old will be able to train with the team again from January 2025.

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