BBC vesti na srpskom

U fotografijama: Eksplozija u centru Pariza, tri žrtve

Vatrogasci, ruševine, izgoreli automobili na ulicama Pariza posle eksplozije u pekari.

BBC News 13.01.2019

Snažna eksplozija raznela je pekaru u centru Pariza. Dva vatrogasca i jedna žena izgubili su život, dok su desetine ljudi povređene.

Policija veruje da je curenje gasa izazvalo eksploziju u ulici Treviz, u popularnom 9. arondismanu francuske prestonice u subotu ujutru.

Na snimcima sa lica mesta se vide vatrogasci na ulicama prepunim šuta i uništenih vozila. Na nekim zgradama su razneti spoljni zidovi.

French firefighters in helmets run with a hose near a Paris bakery on the corner of the streets Saint-Cecile and Rue de Trevise
AFP/Getty Images
Flames are visible at the site of the bakery as people in the street survey the destruction
An injured man is evacuated on a stretcher by firefighters
AFP/Getty Images
Cars lie upturned on their sides near the scene of the blast
AFP/Getty Images
An injured man with a bloodied bandage round his head
AFP/Getty Images
A woman climbs down a ladder from a high building, following a firefighter
AFP/Getty Images
An elderly woman evacuated from a damaged building holds the arm of a fiefighter
AFP/Getty Image
Emergency workers carry a stretcher

Sve fotografije su zaštićene autorskim pravima

(BBC News, 01.13.2019)

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