Pozdrav iz Filadelfije: Jokić i Marjanović ispred statue Rokija Balboe

Vesti online 09.02.2019  |  Vestionline
Pozdrav iz Filadelfije: Jokić i Marjanović ispred statue Rokija Balboe

Zajednička uspomena naših košarkaških asova.

This picture with Rocky was taken near the stairs where the real Rocky trains in the movies before all of his big fights. Tonight, there is another big fight taking place. Bobi Marjanovic boban is wearing his 76ers jersey for the first time since being traded to the team and on his first match in Philly colors, he's facing off Nikola Jokic tonight It's going to be an amazing match and I wish I was there in person to see the battle of the titans!

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