Average net salary in Serbia in February 444 Euros

N1 Info 25.04.2019  |  Beta
Average net salary in Serbia in February 444 Euros

Average net pay in Serbia in February was 444.21 Euros, while gross salary was 613.32 Euros, the country’s Statistic Bureau said on Thursday, as quoted by the Beta news agency.

In comparison to the same month in 2018, the average salary was 9.6 percent higher, or seven percent in real wages, while the gross pay was nominally higher 9.5 percent, and 6.9 percent in real total wages. In the first two months of 2019, the real wages rose 6.9 percent, while nominally they were higher 9.3 percent compared to the same period last year. Half of the employees in Serbia had the February 2019 net average pay worth 341.68 Euros,

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