Džej Lo upoznala dvojnicu! Kad je vidite koliko liči na nju, zanemela je! (foto)
Kurir 06.07.2019

Dženifer Lopez pronašla je svoju dvojnicu poput nekih slavnih dama.
Pevačica Koni Pena neverovatno liči na Džej Lo, a sada je napokon upoznala slavnu pevačicu. Погледајте ову објаву у апликацији Instagram I finally got the opportunity to meet the Ms Jennifer Lopez, the LEGEND, My ICON, and the woman that has motivated me and impacted my life in so many ways! This day changed my life. I had been waiting so very long for this day to come. I’ve never been so nervous in my life! It has been 1 year to date that I announced to the world