Oglasio se Ronaldo posle incidenta u meču sa Milanom
Vesti online 11.11.2019

Trener Juventusa je izveo Ronalda već u 55. minutu susreta što mu se nije svidelo.
Portugalac je ljutito napustio teren, a ubrzo i stadion iako je meč još trajao. Pojedini mediji navode da je dobacio Mauricio Sariju „od*ebi“. (10/11/2019) Cristiano was subbed off in the 54th minute against Milan AC. Sarri: “Cristiano Ronaldo has had this little problem for 25 days which does not allow him to train continuously. We must thank him because he made himself available. He did everything possible to play, but I saw he was not well and thought it best to