Nataša Vučković for Kurir: Lutovac is unable to maintain the unity of the Democratic Party!

Kurir 27.08.2020
Nataša Vučković for Kurir: Lutovac is unable to maintain the unity of the Democratic Party!

‘The president of the Democratic Party should not contribute to the impression that the leaders of other parties have a greater influence on the Democratic Party’s actions than its leadership,’ the former Democratic Party MP has said.

‘After two years as the president of the Democratic Party, it is obvious that Zoran Lutovac had no political or operational plan for strengthening the DS. He found the party, as he likes to say, at 2.5 percent support, but today the support is even smaller,’ Nataša Vučković, a Democratic MP until recently, said in an interview for Kurir. She also points out that the DS has lost its identity by joining the Alliance for Serbia (AfS), adding that the consequences of

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