Smrt u porodici Buš: Tragedija ih sve zavila u crno

Večernje novosti 11.01.2021  |  Tanjug
Smrt u porodici Buš: Tragedija ih sve zavila u crno

SESTRA bivšeg predsednika SAD, Džordža H. W. Buša i tetka Džordža W. Buša, preminula je u nedelju od komplikacija izazvanim korona virusom.

Elis je imala 94 godine, a umrla je bolnici u Konkordu, u državi Mašačusets, preneo je list Hil. We are sad to share that President Bush’s beloved sister, Nancy Bush Ellis, has passed away. Our condolences and prayers are with the Ellis and Bush families as we remember a remarkable woman who brought joy and light to the world. — George & Barbara Bush Foundation (@BushFdn) January 10, 2021 Njen sin, Aleksander Elis, rekao je za Njujork Tajms

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