Ubijen vozač, zaleteo se kolima u punkt izraelskih snaga
Nova 16.05.2021 | Autor:Agencije Autor:Agencije

Nepoznati vozač zaletio se automobilom u punkt izraelskih snaga sigurnosti u četvrti Šeik Džarah u Istočnom Jerusalimu.
U napadu je oštećena i jedna kuća, a eksplozija je zapalila nekoliko automobila. Nema podataka o ljudskim žrtvama. The IOF shot & reportedly killed a man after his car crashed into a police car in Sheikh Jarrah. We expect increased police brutality & isolation from the city as the blockade of the neighborhood continues. Watch militarized police aim to shoot the press attempting to film. pic.twitter.com/LIpyqWfHDW — mohammed el-kurd (@m7mdkurd) May 16, 2021 U