Bećković for Kurir Serbs cope better with being bombed than bombing others. They can hardly wait to be disappointed in everything
Kurir 27.05.2021

"What Kurir has been through is quite a lot for 18 years," academician and poet Matija Bećković said at the start of the interview given for the anniversary issue of our newspaper. "It's a big date.
When you turn 18, you become responsible for your own actions," he said. You are a monarchist by conviction, and you were born on 29 November – a day that was to be marked as the Day of the Republic for decades. It is more than a curiosity … "When he saw the Niagara Falls, an activist from these parts cried out, 'Just imagine the kind of AVNOJ we could have had here.' Well, just imagine the sort of republic and its Marshal that could have been. I was lucky with the