Horrific massacre of dogs in wc host country: Qatar clears streets ahead of World Cup by shooting animals! (VERY DISTURBING)

Kurir 18.08.2022
Horrific massacre of dogs in wc host country: Qatar clears streets ahead of World Cup by shooting animals! (VERY DISTURBING)

Unknown men went into an industrial compound and opened fire at innocent animals, killing 27 dogs, Qatar Animal Rescue says for Kurir

THIS RECORDING MAY BE VERY DISTURBING. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED! As Qatar prepares to organize the World Cup in association football, animal rights activists in this country are outraged. An open secret has emerged that they have been trying to raise awareness of for years. The activists that the Kurir editorial staff have contacted claim that there is an initiative that the country is stray dog-free by the start of the World Cup, with the means used to

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