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Kraljica Elizabeta Druga: Život u fotografijama

Ovo je osvrt na njen život, od kada je bila beba do trenutka kada je postala najdugovečniji monarh.

BBC News 09.09.2022
Queen Elizabeth II peers round a corner during a visit to the Royal Albert Hall in London, marking the end of an 8 year restoration program.
PA Media

Život kraljice Elizabete Druge oduvek je bio u centru pažnje javnosti.

Ovo je osvrt na njen život, od kada je bila beba do trenutka kada je postala najdugovečniji monarh.

The Queen Mother (then the Duchess of York) with her husband, King George VI (then the Duke of York), and their daughter Queen Elizabeth II (then Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor) at her christening in May 1926
PA Media
Elizabeta Aleksandra Meri Vindzor rođena je 21. aprila 1926. u kući na Trgu Berkli u Londonu. Bila je prvo dete Alberta, vojvode od Jorka - drugog sina Džordža Petog - i njegove supruge, bivše Lejdi Elizabet Bous Lion.

HRH Princess Elizabeth, circa 1929 aged about three years old. Artist Marcus Adams.
Getty Images

Princess Elizabeth being greeted by an official, Windsor.
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Međutim, od malih nogu je pokazivala izuzetan osećaj odgovornosti

Princess Margaret and Princess Elizabeth, the Royal sisters, as children, 1930s.
Getty Images
I Elizabeta i njena sestra, Margaret Rouz koja je rođena 1930, školovane su kod kuće.

The Royal Family on the balcony at Buckingham Palace after the coronation of King George VI of England. Shown are (from left to right): Queen Elizabeth; Princess Elizabeth; Queen Mary the Queen Mother; Princess Margaret; and King George VI.
Getty Images
Posle abdikacije kralja Edvarda Osmog 1936, Elizabetin otac je postao Džordž Šesti, a ona naslednica

Princess Elizabeth changing the wheel of a military vehicle during World War Two, in an unknown location. 1940s
Mlada princeza se nakratko pridružila Pomoćnoj teritorijalnoj odbrani (ATS) pred kraj rata, naučivši da vozi i servisira kamion

Princess Elizabeth holds her son Prince Charles after his Christening ceremony in Buckingham Palace, 1948
PA Media
Njihovo prvo dete, Čarls (na slici), rođeno je 1948, a potom i sestra En, koja je na svet stigla 1950.

Queen Elizabeth and Princess Elizabeth hold on to their hats as they arrive at Westminster Abbey to attend the wedding of Lady Caroline Montagu-Douglas-Scott to Mr Ian Hedworth Gilmour
PA Media
Elizabeta je ostala veoma bliska sa majkom tokom života. Ovde su na fotografiji iz 1951, na venčanju.

Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh pause on the rustic bridge in the grounds of the Royal Lodge, Sagana, their wedding present from the people of Kenya.
PA Media
U januaru 1952, Elizabeta i Filip su krenuli na prekookeansku turneju umesto njenog oca, koji je bio bolestan. Kralj je umro u snu samo nekoliko dana kasnije.

The Queen arrives back in Britain from Nairobi following the death of her father George VI, and is met by the politicians (second l to r) Lord Woolton, Anthony Eden, Clement Atlee and Winston Churchill.
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Elizabeta se odmah vratila kući. Nova kraljica je imala samo 25 godina.

Queen Mary (centre) watches as the body of her son, George VI, is brought to Westminster Hall, London, for the lying-in-state. By her side, the Queen Mother, right, her eyes closed in grief. Queen Elizabeth II, veiled, stands behind her grandmother.
PA Media
Prvo je usledila kraljeva sahrana. Ovde kraljica Meri, njegova majka, posmatra kako telo Džordža Šestog donose u Vestminster Hol, u Londonu. Kraljica Elizabeta stoji iza svoje bake, a kraljica majka je sa leve strane.

Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh make their appearance on the Buckingham Palace balcony and wave to the cheering crowds around the gates.
PA Media
Posle krunisanja, Kraljica Elizabeta Druga i Vojvoda od Edinburga pojavili su se na balkonu Bakingemske palate i pozdravili okupljene

Queen Elizabeth II, ascending the Grand Staircase at the Opera in Paris during a state visit to the French capital, 8 April 1957. The image is a montage of 15 separate pictures.
Getty Images
Iako je Britanija još uvek bila pod merama posleratne štednje, neki komentatori opisali su krunisanje kao zoru novog elizabetanskog doba. Ovde se kraljica Elizabeta Druga penje se na Veliko stepenište u Operi u Parizu.

The Queen seen on a television screen as she concludes what became her traditional Christmas day broadcast to her people, which was televised in 1957 for the first time and carried by both the BBC and ITV.
PA Media
Godine 1957. snimljeno je prvo od mnogih božićnih obraćanja kraljice naciji

A Union Jack planted in the garden caught the Queen's attention, but she is the object of the neighbours' gaze. They watched as she arrived to visit the home of Mr and Mrs Eddie Hammond at Crawley New Town, Sussex after opening Gatwick Airport. 1958
PA Media
Britansko društvo i stavovi prema monarhiji su se menjali i izraz „monarhija" je postepeno zamenjen terminom „kraljevska porodica". Ovde komšijski pogledi prate kraljicu tokom njene posete domu gospodina i gospođe Edija Hamonda u Kroli Nju Taunu u Saseksu 1958.

Queen Elizabeth II and her daughter Princess Anne at Frogmore, Windsor Castle, 1959
PA Media
Kada nije imala zvanične angažmane, Elizabeta je provodila vreme sa porodicom - ovde je sa ćerkom princezom Anom u zamku Vindzor.

The Queen and Prince Philip visiting Aberfan. 29 October 1966.
Getty Images
Kraljica je 29. oktobra 1966. posetila velško selo Aberfan, osam dana pošto je klizište progutalo osnovnu školu Pantglas usmrtivši 144 osobe, od kojih 116 dece. Kraljica je bila vidno dirnuta i to ostaje jedan od najemotivnijih trenutaka njene vladavine.

BBC & ITV co-production, the 'Royal Family' was first transmitted on 21 June 1969. The documentary gave audiences an unprecedented view of a year in the private and public life of the Queen and her family. The 110-minute film was shown with a two-minute tea break interval, and was watched by 23 million people.
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Godine 1969, prvi put je emitovan dokumentarni film Kraljevska porodica. Publika je dobila do tada neviđeni uvid u privatni i javni život kraljice i njene porodice.
Queen Elizabeth II formally invests her son Prince Charles with the Coronet of the Prince of Wales during a ceremony at Caernarfon Castle in Cardiff
PA Media
Kraljica je sinu, princu Čarlsu, zvanično dala titulu princa od Velsa tokom ceremonije u zamku Kernarfon. Titulu je dobio kada je imao devet godina, ali kraljica je insistirala da se sa ceremonijom sačeka dok Čarls u potpunosti ne shvati njen značaj.

The Queen, sitting on a grassy bank with the corgis, at Virginia Water to watch competitors, including Prince Philip in the Marathon of the European Driving Championship, part of the Royal Windsor Horse Show, 1973
PA Media
Tokom vladavine kraljica je često fotografisana sa korgijima. Veze kraljevske porodice i ove rase pasa počele su kada je budući Džordž Šesti kupio korgija po imenu Duki za ćerke 1933.

Queen Elizabeth II on a walkabout in Portsmouth during her Silver Jubilee tour of Great Britain
PA Media
Godine 1977, zemlja je proslavila kraljičin srebrni jubilej, obeležavajući četvrt veka na tronu. Kraljicu je dočekala entuzijastična publika dok je obilazila zemlju.

Queen Elizabeth II watches bathers in a pool at Parade Gardens, Bath, during her Silver Jubilee tour of Great Britain.
PA Media
Njeno Veličanstvo je posetilo 36 okruga tokom 10 nedelja - među njima i Ejvon, gde je posmatrala ljude koji na najbolji način koriste letnje vreme. Takođe je proputovala 56.000 milja oko sveta.
Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh wave as Concorde flies by the Royal Yacht Britannia as the royal couple neared Barbados
PA Media
Kraljica i vojvoda su mahnuli dok je avion Konkord proleteo nisko pored kraljevske jahte Britanija dok se par približavao Barbadosu.

Queen Elizabeth II, wearing a cloak of brown kiwi feathers, with Maori warriors at Rugby Park, Gisborne, when she and the Duke of Edinburgh received a New Zealand Maori welcome at the opening of the Royal New Zealand Polynesian Festival.
PA Media
Iz godine u godinu, kraljica je nastavila da obavlja javne dužnosti. Njeno Veličanstvo i vojvoda od Edinburga dočekali su novozelandske Maore na otvaranju Kraljevskog novozelandskog polinezijskog festivala.

The flag-draped coffin of Lord Mountbatten rests on a catafalque during the funeral service in Westminster Abbey. Royal mourners (l-r) Queen Elizabeth II, her husband the Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, and the Prince of Wales, 5 September 1979
PA Media
U avgustu 1979, ujak princa Filipa i kraljičin rođak, Luis Mauntbaten, prvi grof Mountbaten od Burme, ubijen je u eksploziji bombe IRA, dok je bio na svom brodu u Irskoj. Osim što je bio bliski član porodice, lord Mauntbaten je bio na mnogim visokim vojnim položajima, a njegova sahrana održana je u Vestminsterskoj opatiji.

Prince Charles And Princess Diana kissing on The balcony of Buckingham Palace, 29 July 1981. They are surrounded by their bridesmaids and pageboys as well as Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Edward and the Queen Mother.
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Godine 1981, Elizabetin najstariji sin Čarls oženio se sa lejdi Dajanom Spenser. Čarls i Dajana dobili dvojicu sinova, Vilijama i Harija, pre razvoda. Dajana je poginula u saobraćajnoj nesreći u Parizu 1997.

The Queen is escorted by the chief fire officer around the grounds of Windsor Castle as fire fighters battle a fire, 20 November 1992.
Getty Images
Tokom božićnog govora, kraljica je 1992. opisala kao „annus horribilis" izražavajući tugu zbog godine u kojoj je došlo do raspada braka troje njene dece i požara u zamku Vindzor.

HM Queen Elizabeth II fires a rifle during a visit to the Army rifle association at Bisley, England July 1993
David Cooper/Alamy
Javno mnjenje je bilo protiv toga da vlada plaća popravke zamka. Monarhija je tada zauzela odbrambeni stav, a Bakingemska palata je otvorena za posetioce kako bi se prikupila sredstva. Kraljica je ispalila poslednji hitac iz standardne puške SA80.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh view the floral tributes to Diana, Princess of Wales, at Buckingham Palace, 1997
PA Media
Posle smrti Dajane, princeze od Velsa, 1997, kraljica se suočila sa kritikama zbog nepojavljivanja u javnosti. Na kraju je nadgledala odavanje počasti ispred Bakingemske palate i uživo se obratila naciji.
The Queen joined Mrs Susan McCarron (front left ) her ten-year-old son, James and Housing Manager Liz McGinniss for tea in their home in the Castlemilk area of Glasgow. 7 July 1999.
PA Media
Kraljica je popila čaj sa Suzan Mekaron u njenom domu u oblasti Kaslmilk u Glazgovu, dok je kraljevska porodica eksperimentisala sa intimnijim, neformalnijim pristupom u javnim istupima.

Princess Margaret (L) and Queen Elizabeth (R) stand next to the Queen Mother as she waves to admirers on the occasion of her 100th birthday celebration 4 August, 2000 in London.
Getty Images
Godine 2000, kraljica majka je proslavila 100. rođendan - ovde je sa ćerkama, princezom Margaret i kraljicom Elizabetom
Queen Elizabeth II (front, C) leads her family as she follows pall bearers carrying the coffin of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother out of Westminster Abbey after the funeral service in London 09 April 2002.
Getty Images
Godine 2002, kraljica se suočila sa smrću sestre, princeze Margaret, i njene majke, u razmaku od samo sedam nedelja.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip ride in the Golden State Carriage at the head of a parade from Buckingham Palace to St Paul's Cathedral celebrating the Queen's Golden Jubilee, on 4 June 2002, along The Mall in London.
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Kraljica je uživala veliku podršku tokom leta kada je slavila zlatni jubilej. Ogroman broj ljudi prisustvovao je paradi 4. juna 2002.

Marriage of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles, 2005
PA Media
Kraljica Elizabeta je 2005. gledala kako se njen najstariji sin ženi po drugi put. Princ Čarls se venčao sa Kamilom Parker Bouls na građanskoj ceremoniji u Vindzoru.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, her husband the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall attend the Braemar Highland Games
PA Media
Elizabeta, njen suprug, vojvoda od Edinburga, princ od Velsa i vojvotkinja od Kornvola, na igrama u Aberdinšajeru
Queen Elizabeth II stands in the rain as guests take shelter at the opening of the Lawn Tennis Associations new headquarters in Roehampton, London, 2007
PA Media
Kraljica je 2007. fotografisana kako se sklanja od kiše tokom otvaranja novog sedišta Asocijacije za tenis na travi u Rohemptonu.

Queen Elizabeth II sits in the Regency Room at Buckingham Palace in London as she looks at some of the cards which have been sent to her for her 80th birthday
PA Media
Kraljica je citirala izreku Gruča Marksa o starenju u govoru povodom njenog zvaničnog 80. rođendana rekavši: „Svako može da ostari. Sve što treba da uradite je da živite dovoljno dugo."

Prince William Duke of Cambridge and Catherine Duchess of Cambridge bow in front of Queen Elizabeth II at Westminster Abbey on April 29, 2011 in London, England.
PA Media
Jedan od najsrećnijih događaja u njenim kasnijim godinama bilo je venčanje unuka, princa Vilijama sa Ketrin Midlton 2011. Ovde se princ Vilijam i njegova nova nevesta klanjaju kraljici.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh arrive at a windy RAF Valley in Anglesey, to visit their grandson Prince William at the base.
PA Media
Kraljica je umalo izgubila šešir po dolasku u vetrovitu bazu RAF-a u Anglsiju, gde su ona i princ Filip bili u poseti princu Vilijamu.
Queen Elizabeth II reacts as she is given some flowers as she visits Leicester Cathedral on 8 March 2012 in Leicester, England.
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Poseta Lesteru označila je početak njene turneje po Velikoj Britaniji povodom 60. godišnjice Dijamantskog jubileja 2012.

James Bond was at Her Majesty's service as the Queen joined the opening ceremony of the London 2102 Olympic Games.
Potom se pojavila na ceremoniji otvaranja Olimpijskih igara u Londonu 2012, u snimljenoj sekvenci pored druge britanske ikone, Džejmsa Bonda, koju igra glumac Danijel Krejg.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II with her racing manager John Warren after her horse, Estimate, won the Gold Cup, 2013
PA Media
Šezdeset godina pošto je uživala u pobedi konja čiji je vlasnik na trkama u Askotu, kraljičino trkačko grlo Estimejt je osvojilo 207. Gold kup.

Queen Elizabeth II, on the day she became Britain's longest-reigning monarch, seen on the Scottish Borders Railway
PA Media
U 17:30 BST 9. septembra 2015, Elizabeta je vladala 23.226 dana, 16 sati i otprilike 30 minuta - nadmašivši vladavinu svoje pra-pra-bake kraljice Viktorije. Taj dan provela je u Škotskoj otvarajući novu železnicu.

Queen Elizabeth II joins members of the Royal Family, including the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with their children Princess Charlotte and Prince George, on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, central London after they attended the Trooping the Colour ceremony as part of Her Majesty's birthday celebrations
PA Media
Kraljici su se pridružili i drugi članovi kraljevske porodice na zvaničnoj proslavi rođendana u junu 2016. Ranije te godine proslavila je 90. rođendan.

Queen Elizabeth II watches her horse Sparkler compete in the Flat Ridden Sport Horse class on day one of the Royal Windsor Horse Show in Home Park on 9 May 2018 in Windsor, England.
Getty Images
Kraljica je nastavila da obavlja javne dužnosti, često sama posle penzionisanja vojvode od Edinburga. Kraljica je gledala njenog konja Sparkler kako se takmiči na Kraljevskom sajmu u Vindzoru 2018.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are joined by her mother, Doria Ragland, as they show their new son, born Monday and named as Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, to the Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh at Windsor Castle. 3 May 2019
Chris Allerton / SussexRoyal
Bilo je radosti kako je njena porodica rasla - ovde je sa vojvodom i vojvotkinjom od Saseksa, njihovim sinom Arčijem i vojvotkinjinom majkom Dorijom Ragland. Ali bilo je i stalnih pritisaka na porodicu - zbog prijateljstvo princa Endrjua sa američkim biznismenom i osuđenim seksualnim prestupnikom Džefrijem Epštajnom, i sve većeg razočarenja princa Harija u život u kraljevskoj porodici.

Queen Elizabeth II takes her seat for the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh in St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, Berkshire. 17 April 2021.
PA Media
Princ Filip, suprug kraljice Elizabete Druge, preminuo je 9. aprila 2021. u 99. godini, pošto je proveo više od šezdeset godina uz nju. Fotografija usamljene kraljice na sahrani tokom pandemije korona virusa odjeknula je u javnosti.

Sve fotografije podležu autorskim pravima.

(BBC News, 09.09.2022)

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