Internet - MEDIJ BUDUĆNOSTI: Britanski Independent prestaje da izlazi! Poslednji broj 26. marta!
Kurir 12.02.2016

Jedna od najpoznatijih britanskih novina The Independent prestaje da izlazi u štampanom obliku, dok će njen portal nastaviti sa radom.
Poslednji broj se očekuje da izađe na kioske 26. marta. Izdavač napominje da je "digital jedina budućnost". The #Independent newspaper and the Independent on Sunday will become digital only publications - last paper edition is expected on 26 March — Sky News Newsdesk (@SkyNewsBreak) February 12, 2016 Sad for all my friends at the Independent. Online/mobile only is probably the future for us all but this was a grand project (1/3) — Paul