"Supermen" se pridružuje Tomu Kruzu u "Nemogućoj misiji"
N1 Info 18.03.2017 | MTV

Britanski glumac Henri Kavil je otkrio da će se pridružiti ekipi filma „Nemoguća misija“ u predstojećem, šestom nastavku.
Kavil je to otkrio na Instagramu, prenosi MTV. I like a good challenge. Like hanging from a moving plane...or balancing from a cliff by my fingertips...or scaling a skyscraper. I guess I’ll just have to get my practice in and join the fun for the next Mission Impossible. Thanks for the invite, @ChristopherMcQuarrie. #MissionImpossible #MI6 A post shared by Henry Cavill (@henrycavill) on Mar 17, 2017 at 8:32am PDT Reditelj filma Kristofer