(Video) Stravična nesreća u egiptu: Srušio se balon pun turista kod Luksora, ima mrtvih!
Kurir 05.01.2018

#Egypt state media confirm the death of 1 American tourist in a a #Luxor hot air balloon crash In Feb 2013, a #Luxor hot air balloon crash resulted in 19 deaths out of 21 passengers https://t.co/NVBYCtrMyz https://t.co/Zas9Z0oiG9 — SaadAbedine (@SaadAbedine) January 5, 2018 Među putnicima je bilo turista, a povređeni su prebačeni u obližnju bolnicu, saopštili su zvaničnici. MORE: Hot air balloon carrying around 20 people crashes near Luxor, at