Drama u Londonu na godišnjicu velike tragedije u Grenfil kuli (foto+video)
BK TV 14.06.2018 | BKTVNews/Tanjug

Potresno! U 20-spratnoj zgradi na jugu Londona rano jutros je izbio požar, a evakuisano je 150 osoba. Požar u Levišamu izbio je oko 4 sata ujutru na balkonu 13. sprata solitera i vrlo brzo je stavljen pod kontrolu, piše britanski Telegraf. Eight fire engines have been called to a flat blaze in south London. Crews were called to a fire on the 13th floor of the 20-storey block in Elmira Street, Lewisham, at 4.14am.Nearly 60 firefighters are at the