Turska ostala na nogama uprkos američkim sankcijama: Lira ipak pokazala da može da se drži
Kurir 17.08.2018

Turska valuta lira ostala je stabilna prema dolaru uprkos pretnji mogućim novim sankcijama koje je iznela administracija predsednika SAD Donalda Trampa.
Turkish Lira Steady Despite New Threats From Trump https://t.co/kPayEywoLf — Pria Punya Selera (@Guntur_0212) August 17, 2018 Jedan dolar danas vredi 5,8 lira, što je rast od 0,4 odsto u korist turske valute. Despite the strengthening of the #Turkish lira recently, on the heels of the government and central bank measures, experts still consider that this rebound is temporary and the currency will drop to seven or eight lira against one #USdollar