Vucic to Kosovo Serbs: If you’re attacked, we’ll protect you

N1 Info 14.12.2018  |  N1 Belgrade
Vucic to Kosovo Serbs: If you’re attacked, we’ll protect you

Aleksandar Vucic, Serbia’s President said on Friday “the state (of Serbia) will have the power to protect you (the Kosovo Serbs), if you're attacked by Kosovo’s army" which, he said, was formed "against the international law, the spirit of the dialogue and even contrary to the constitution of the self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo,” N1 reported.

He told reporters the UN Security Council resolution 1244 passed after the 1998-1999 war in the then Serbia’s rebellious province, stipulated only an international military presence and overall demilitarisation of Kosovo. “If we have a request for demilitarisation, what army are we talking about? I ask all of them (the international community) based on what the Albanians decided to form the army? I demand from the US, UK, Germany and Pristina to

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