Horor u Maroku: Pojavio se snimak brutalnog ubistva turistkinje! Džihadisti joj odrubili glavu zbog osvete! (video)
Kurir 21.12.2018
Video snimak koji se pojavio na društvenim mrežama, a na kom se vidi ubistvo jedne od dve ubijene turistkinje u Maroku, je verovatno autentičan tvrdi norveška policija
U ponedeljak su na području planine Atlas u Maro pronađena tela Dankinje Luise Vesterager (24) i Norvežanke Marene Ueland (28). Please don't watch the #Morocco video. You know what's going to be on it, you know what you'll see. Someone's precious daughters in their final moments, horrifically robbed of their lives. Don't give the monsters the satisfaction. You can give these beautiful girls their dignity — Vanessa Bailey (@vbaileyactor) December