Ajaks pušta De Lihta: Ne trebaju nam pare, ali njega svi traže
Alo 06.03.2019 | Tanjug/I.Đ.

Jedan od najtalentovanijih fudbalera Evrope i kapiten Ajaksa Matijas de Liht napustiće klub po završetku sezone, potvrdio je sportski direktor Mark Overmars.
Devetnaestogodišnji štoper na meti je brojnih klubova poput Juventusa, Barselone, Mančester Sitija i Bajerna i to za cenu od 70 miliona evra. A 17-year-old and 19-year-old Matthijs de Ligt after reaching European success. Simply can't describe how good/likable this guy is. So mature for his age, both mentally as physically, as on and off the pitch. The club that signs him is defensively settled for years to come. pic.twitter.com/epX5NDDIJf —