Tramp smenio šefa tajne službe

Sputnik 08.04.2019
Tramp smenio šefa tajne službe

Američki predsednik Donald Tramp smenio je šefa tajne službe SAD Rendolfa Alesa, javila je Bela kuća. Zameniće ga Džejms Mari, pripadnik ove službe.

United States Secret Service director Randolph "Tex" Alles is being removed from his position, multiple administration officials tell CNN. The Secret Service director reports to the Secretary of Homeland Security, who resigned Sunday. — CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) April 8, 2019 „Predsednik Donald Tramp je naložio vršiocu dužnosti rukovodioca aparata Bele kuće Miku Malveniju da otpusti Alesa.

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