NYT: Push for Kosovo - Serbia Deal Puts National Divisions on Display

N1 Info 30.04.2019  |  N1 Belgrade NYT
NYT: Push for Kosovo - Serbia Deal Puts National Divisions on Display

Commenting on the Berlin Summit of the Western Balkans’ leaders, the New York Times (NYT) said that “if they are to have any hope of easing tensions between Kosovo and Serbia and breaking a deadlock in talks on the normalisation of relations, then analysts say they may first have to broker another peace, between Kosovo’s two leaders.

The author Barbara Surk recalled that Kosovo’s President Hashim Thaci and his Serbia’s counterpart, Aleksandar Vucic, “suggested that a final settlement could include a territory swap and order changes at a meeting in Austria” last August, adding Thaci believed “such an agreement would result in Serbia’s recognition of Kosovo.” 30.04.2019. 29.04.2019. But, she added that “Kosovo’s prime minister, Ramush Haradinaj, is adamantly opposed to any

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