Vucic to Quinta envoys: Serbia in difficult position without its fault

N1 Info 08.05.2019  |  N1 Belgrade
Vucic to Quinta envoys: Serbia in difficult position without its fault

Aleksandar Vucic, Serbia’s President, said on Wednesday his country was in severe position concerning Kosovo issue without anything to be blamed for and that Belgrade could not understand the import duties Pristina introduced on Serbia’s products, N1 reported.

In a meeting with the Quinta countries ambassadors to Serbia – US, UK, France, Italy and Germany – and with the European Union delegation chief in Belgrade, Vucic added his country would act rationally and thoughtfully and would resume talks with Pristina on normalisation of relations as soon as Kosovo’s Government revoked its decision on the 100 percent import tariffs. The meeting agenda included discussion about the recent Berlin Summit of the

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