Odbojkaši nestvarnom igrom savladali Slovence i pokorili kontinent! (foto/video)
Alo 29.09.2019 | Alo.rs/ S.I.
![Odbojkaši nestvarnom igrom savladali Slovence i pokorili kontinent! (foto/video)](https://nstatic.net/img/logo/s/alo.png)
Odbojkaška reprezentacija Srbije je šampion Evrope!
Odbojkaši Srbije savladali su selekciju Slovenije posle preokreta (19:25, 25:16, 25:18, 25:19) i osvojili treću zlatnu medalju u istoriji države! Petric at the double, Serbia at the double... after their women's team in Turkey it is their men's team in Paris! Amazing scenes for @ossrb #EuroVolleyM #WeAreEuroVolley pic.twitter.com/UNh74Opt7s — EuroVolley (@CEVEuroVolley) September 29, 2019 Petric at the double, Serbia at the double... after their women's team in