Pojačali se fudbalerom koji ima 74 godine, potrebno im iskustvo u timu! (foto)
Alo 22.01.2020 | Alo.rs/ M.D.

Egipatski fudbalski savez (EFA) je objavila da je registrovala najstarijeg fudbalera na svetu!
Naime, trećeligaš u toj zemlji "6. Oktobar" je angažovao Eez Eldin Bahdera! The Egyptian Football Association (EFA) has announced the registration the oldest professional player in the world, 74-year-old Eez Eldin Bahder. pic.twitter.com/KWo7vCmlND — VBET News (@VBETnews) January 22, 2020 The Egyptian Football Association (EFA) has announced the registration the oldest professional player in the world, 74-year-old Eez Eldin Bahder. pic.twitter.com/KWo7vCmlND Nije