Osim autograma u ruke, Gober detetu preneo i nešto drugo
Alo 14.03.2020 | Alo.rs/ F.R.

Prvi NBA igrač kome je dijagnostifikovan korona virus Rudi Gober je navodno zarazio jedno dete.
U pitanju je dete predškolskog uzrasta iz mesta Vesterli na Roud Ajlendu, kome je Francuz preneo zarazu potpisivanjem autograma posle gostovanja Boston Seltiksima. WPD-2 kids from #Westerly test positive for #Covid19 1, a student at Springbrook Elementary school, the other a preschooler who attends preschool in CT. 1 is believed to have contracted it on a cruise to the Bahamas, the other got an autograph from an NBA player that has it — Sam Read (@NBC10_Sam) March