Otkazano čak sedam turnira (foto)
Alo 24.07.2020 | Alo.rs/I. S.
![Otkazano čak sedam turnira (foto)](https://nstatic.net/img/logo/s/alo.png)
Pandemija koronavirusa i dalje pravi ogromne probleme.
Tenis je i dalje u velikim problemima zbog pandemije koronavirusa, što je samo potvrđeno najnovijom odlukom čelnika WTA. Zbog velikog zdravstvenog rizika, otkazani su svi ženski turniri u Kini. View this post on Instagram Due to the recent decision by China’s General Administration of Sport that China will not host any international sporting events in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, all WTA tournaments that were scheduled in China on WTA’s provisional