Coaching kids is my unfulfilled wish. At a small club, Mladost from Zemun or Ušće. Pioneers or cadets, kids

Kurir 19.08.2020
Coaching kids is my unfulfilled wish. At a small club, Mladost from Zemun or Ušće. Pioneers or cadets, kids

‘Danilo is an adult now, he just wants to give Dad a quick ring, just like I do with my parents. Milica is so responsible, she’ll be very successful. As for Vukan, he acts like a little warrior now. The stuff that other children like to watch - Peppa Pig and those sorts of things – he doesn’t spend a minute on it. But, he grabs a wooden sword, gets all scowly, and wants to get into combat.’

The President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić has the image of a man who gets up at the crack of dawn, works around the clock, gets everything done, and has an answer to every question. On the other hand, he is often the butt of criticism for making too many public appearances, even scepticism - ‘How does this man manage to do everything?’ The Kurir team spent one day with him and learnt first-hand what the life of the head of state looks like. We had an exclusive peek

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