Preminuo bivši gitarista Pepersa Džek Šerman
N1 Info 22.08.2020 | Radio 021

Muzičar Džek Šerman, koji je u jednom periodu bio gitarista benda "Red hot čili pepers", preminuo je u 67. godini.
Bivše kolege iz benda oglasile su se povodom njegove smrti saopštenjem u kome su ga nazvali "jedinstvenim". We of the RHCP family would like to wish Jack Sherman smooth sailing into the worlds beyond, for he has passed. Jack played on our debut album as well as our first tour of the USA. He was a unique dude and we thank him for all times good, bad and in between. Peace on the boogie platform. A post shared by Red Hot Chili Peppers(@chilipeppers) on Aug 21, 2020 at