Uzbuna u Americi: Tramp prebačen u bolnicu, sledi mu serija testova! Nije preneo nadležnost na Pensa
Kurir 02.10.2020

Američki predsednik Donald Tramp prebačen je u Nacionalni vojno-medicinski centar Valter Rid gde će ostati nekoliko dana po savetu lekara, saopštila je Bela kuća.
President Donald Trump was taken by helicopter to Walter Reed Military Medical Center just now and will spend the “next few days” there, the White House said after Trump announced earlier in the day that he had tested positive for #Covid19 — POLITICO (@politico) October 2, 2020 Tramp će tamo biti podvrgnut testovima. Trampu je prepisana terapija regeneronom, koktelom poliklonalnih antitela u kojem se nalaze i cink,