Exclusive! Vedrana Rudan: 'The human race is on the brink of extinction! We deserve all this!'
Kurir 02.12.2020

'We look forward to the newly-discovered vaccine, which will remove our facemasks and chase death away. On the other hand, we are already getting the message that Japanese bats, even nastier than the Chinese ones, are out to get us.'
"I live at peace with myself, because I know I'm helpless and a coward. If I were smart and brave, I would do the only powerful thing that a helpless person can do – I would put a bullet through my head," Croatian writer Vedrana Rudan said in an interview with Kurir. Not a bit optimistic, she also said that the Earth was just paying us back for our negligent treatment of it, adding that the world cannot get far actually, as it is made up of people who have not