Tetovirala se pred pandemiju, sad mora da krije tetovažu
Nova 25.02.2021 | Autor:Index.hr Autor:Index.hr
Lea Holand, 25-godišnja devojka iz Kentakija, uradila je jednu tetovažu na početku pandemije - ne sluteći da će morati da je krije od svih.
Naime, Lea je na ruku istetovirala rečenicu kojom ju je opisao njen prijatelj, i to maja 2020, samo dva dana pre nego što je korona odnela prvi život u njenom rodnom Kentakiju. A Georgetown woman is now joking about the bad timing of a tattoo she got right before the pandemic began. She wants to set the record straight – she's not anti-mask. I'll tell you the meaning behind it and how her story gained international attention on @LEX18News at #Sunrise