Sve veći haos u Kabulu Ljudi na aerodromu čekaju danima na suncu: Pretučena Amerikanka, Nemac ranjen foto, video
Kurir 20.08.2021

Oko aerodroma u Kabulu i dalje vlada haos. Na hiljade Avganistanaca pokušava da uđe u vazdušnu luku, a tenzije u zemlji juče je podigao i niz protesta.
CNN-ova dopisnica iz Kabula Klarisa Vord, koja se nalazi kod aerodroma u Kabulu, javlja da na hiljade Avganistanaca stoji na suncu i visokim temperaturama kod vazdušne luke. Terribly chaotic scenes in Kabul where the British embassy is evacuating people but they’re unable to get into the compound... this family have the right permissions but are stuck outside. The baby is 15 days old, his father - a former interpreter - is worried the baby will die