Exclusive! Vedrana Rudan for Kurir: 'Vučić is hardy, a tough nut to crack. Milanović is a court jester in a court without a king!

Kurir 18.10.2021
Exclusive! Vedrana Rudan for Kurir: 'Vučić is hardy, a tough nut to crack. Milanović is a court jester in a court without a…
Direct. Provocative. Brutal. Pulling no punches. This is many people's short description of Vedrana Rudan, a Croatian writer who pinpoints events in the region in a very precise fashion that not a lot of people can pull off. True to form, in her interview with Kurir she openly discussed the Croatian and Serbian presidents, the coronavirus pandemic, the slew of comments prompted by her coming to Belgrade to take the vaccine, as well as her alleged divorce and

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