How Šolak became the richest serb: The return to Serbia and the start of the strategic partnership with George Soros

Kurir 26.01.2022
How Šolak became the richest serb: The return to Serbia and the start of the strategic partnership with George Soros

In a special series, Kurir reveals how exactly this controversial billionaire fulfilled his 'American dream' in the murky waters of the Balkan transition

When his Slovenia business went under, Šolak returned to Serbia in 1998 and started the company Kablovski Distributivni Sistem (Cable Distribution System; KDS) – SBB's predecessor – with his brother-in-law Dušan Radosavljević Under the regulations at the time, privately-owned companies could not register independently for the activity of distributing television content, so Šolak and Radosavljević were provided with 25 percent of the capital by the Kragujevac City

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