Zatvoren auto-put u Ilinoisu: U lančanom sudaru učestvovalo više od 100 automobila (foto/video)
Večernje novosti 18.02.2022 | Tanjug

Foto: Printskrin/Twitter/ KS Highway Patrol Deo auto-puta 39 u blizini El Pasa, u Ilinoisu, zatvoren je nakon više nesreća koje su počele da se događaju juče po podne po lokalnom vremenu, javlja ABC7.
The roads are treacherous, icy & snowpacked! We want you & your families to stay safe. This is our Trooper’s vehicle after he was struck by a semi! Thankfully he is okay! We urge you to stay home. If you must be out then #SlowDown & don’t over drive your skills in snow & ice. — KS Highway Patrol (@kshighwaypatrol) February 17, 2022 Lokalne vlasti nisu prijavile da li u nesrećama ima povređenih, prenosi agencija Rojters. Auto-put će biti