Treslo se tlo u komšiluku: Zemljotres pogodio Zagreb

Večernje novosti 19.06.2022  |  Tanjug
Treslo se tlo u komšiluku: Zemljotres pogodio Zagreb

SEIZMOGRAFI hrvatske Seizmološke službe noćas su zabeležili slab potres s epicentrom kod Markuševca u Zagrebu.

Foto: EMSC Magnituda potresa iznosila je 2,8 stepeni Rihtera, piše agencija Hina, prenosi Tanjug. Potres se osetio u užem epicentralnom području, izvestila je Seizmološka služba. Look! You are a seismic sensor: when you feel a tremor and launch the LastQuake app,we know that an #earthquake might have occurred👇LastQuake launches before🟠 and after 🟣 the app notification about the #earthquake in #Zagreb - Centar 1hr 9min ago. — EMSC

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Zemljotres u Zagrebu

Zemljotres u Zagrebu

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Slab zemljotres u Zagrebu

Slab zemljotres u Zagrebu

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