Širi se požar u marmarisu: Vatra zahvatila hotel, gosti se evakuišu iz vila! Pogledajte snimke
Kurir 29.07.2022

Požar koji je danas izbio u turskom gradu Ičmeler u blizini Marmarisa, počeo je da se širi, a vatrogasci su prinuđeni da deluju iz vazduha i sa kopna. #Muğla #Turkey🇹🇷- Forest fire that broke out in around the İçmeler Turunç area of #Marmaris spreads to the Tourism Vocational School Practice Hotel; cause of fire currently unknown, while fire is being intervened by Regional Directorate of Forestry crews pic.twitter.com/Yze811WOdn — CyclistAnons (@CyclistAnons) July