Stiplija: Von der Leyen’s visit traditional, different narrative face to face

N1 Info 29.10.2022  |  Author:N1 Belgrade
Stiplija: Von der Leyen’s visit traditional, different narrative face to face

Ursula von der Leyen's visit to the Western Balkans has already become traditional, says Nemanja Todorović Stiplija from the European Western Balkans (EWB) portal.

But the budget aid from the EU fund and their amount is something that marked that visit, he added. „It’s interesting what the President’s narrative was about the European Commission’s (EC) report, and what the Prime Minister’s was like yesterday. The European Commission also noticed this at the summit in Zagreb in 2020, which was one of the topics of discussion. The EC monitors this, there is a part of the report that speaks about the fact that certain officials

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