Pao dogovor: Kunja na pozajmici u Vulverhemptonu
Sport klub 20.12.2022 | Autor:Maja Todić

Podeli : Vulverhempton i Atletiko Madrid dogovorili su sve detalje pozajmice za Mateusa Kunju.
Matheus Cunha to Wolves, here we go! Full verbal agreement reached between clubs with Atléti and also on personal terms. It’s a loan with obligation to buy clause, around €40/50m. 🚨🟠🇧🇷 #WWFC Medicals being scheduled while all the documents will be prepared in the next days.— Fabrizio Romano (@FabrizioRomano) December 20, 2022 Dvadesettrogodišnji reprezentativac Brazila dogovorio je sa Vulverhemptonom i lične uslove i drugi deo sezone