Nevin osuđen na smrt, u zatvoru proveo 25 godina: Manje od 2 godine posle puštanja, muškarac iz Filadelfije ubijen na sahrani
Kurir 22.12.2022

Kristofer Vilijams, oslobođen nakon što je proveo 25 godina nevino osuđen na smrtnu kaznu, ubijen je na sahrani u Severnoj Filadelfiji, manje od dve godine nakon što je oslobođen krivice.
Christopher Williams — a Philadelphia man who was exonerated after wrongfully serving 30 yrs in prison for murder — was shot and killed at the age of 62. Christopher was a father of five and had numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Rest In Power, Christopher 🙏🏾 — Ben Crump (@AttorneyCrump) December 17, 2022 Otac šestoro dece Kristofer Vilijams pogođen je u glavu dok je vozio u koloni pogrebne povorke za Tajri Litla u Severnoj