Eksplozije u blizini Hersona? Dramatičan prizor borbi u Bahmutu, Zelenski čestitao Božić Ukrajincima
Nova 24.12.2022 | Autor:Ksenija Stojiljkovic

Explosions are heard again in #Kherson. pic.twitter.com/hYlSiLnMwZ Valerij Zalužnji čestitao je Ukrajincima Božić. „Cena mira je veoma visoka.
Zapamtite ovo kada pogledate u nebo i božićnu zvezdu na njemu. Molite se za ukrajinskog ratnika koji je sada u rovu i štiti svet od zla“, rekao je načelnik AFU. Valerii Zaluzhnyi congratulated Ukrainians on Christmas "The price of peace is very high. Remember this when you look at the sky and the Christmas star on it. Pray for the Ukrainian warrior who is now in the trench protecting the world from harm", - said the Chief of AFU. pic.twitter.com/kEEn4Mf5EI